2017 n-a decurs pe de-a-ntregul asa cum ne-am fi dorit (much euphemism), dar nu ne permitem sa uitam, ca in multe domenii, noi, astia, omenirea, ne descurcam din ce in ce mai bine. Intru pilduire: 2017 a fost cel mai sigur an pentru a zbura cu avionul. Primul an* fara niciun accident aeronautic mortal - pe zboruri (cu reactie) de pasageri - adica majoritatea zborurilor. Fie-v-ar zborurile placute si ieftine (ca sigure sunt). In alte cuvinte, de-acum putem contribui cu si mai multa liniste si siguranta la incalzirea mondiala.
sursa infograficNot a single person died on passenger jet airliner accidents in 2017, according to reports released by the two Dutch aviation groups - the Aviation Safety Network (ASN) and consulting firm To70. The data does not include cargo planes and propeller-driven passenger aircrafts. This marks 2017 as the safest year ever for commercial aviation, both by the number of fatal accidents as well as the number of fatalities, ASN said. There were10 fatal airline accidents in 2017, however, resulting in the deaths of 44 passengers on board and 35 people on the ground. Five of these accidents involved cargo flights and the other five involved small passenger turbo-prop planes.(sursa: buzzfeed)
Surse: - 2017 marks safest year on record for commercial passenger air travel - ASN data show 2017 was safest year in aviation history - Our statistics: 2017 in review
*de cand urmasii lui Coanda s-au pus pe treaba