Rutina de luni dimineata, plictiseala, si in cazuri nu foarte rare, lehamitea. Les Donohue-Bromley mai ca era sa dea in lehamite pana a gasit de cuviinta sa incalece pe-o banana gonflabila (de fapt 2) si sa faca autostopul fluvial de la Marea Nordului, din Olanda pana la Marea Neagra, la noi, la Constanta. Ceea ce s-a si proaspat intamplat. Vezi Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must live (nota Charlie) - ca veni vorba. Former missionary Les, 61, who now lives in France, told the ECHO he has given up his day job as a builder and sold his bed and breakfast in order to fund the trip - all because he's fed up with going to work on Monday mornings. "I have been a builder for too long and have gone to work on Monday mornings for too long. "I am a general builder but I have done many things - I was a radio presenter in Holland and I was a missionary for six years. I get bored easily." Liverpool Echo
Litoralul exotic
Happy ending cu banana desumflata. - Goban Ana (facebook) - de unde si pozele. ____ PS. Ceea ce ne face sa ne dam seama ce conventionali am fost noi in 2002.