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22 iulie 2005 doru

...the adventure is, thank God, over.

Galerie Film cazare Harta Transport Comentarii
"I'm writing this from a hospital bed in Hateg. I was found (somehow) by a mountain rescue team, who used dogs to track me. The calls to home, the English police calling Romanian authorities, and of course Phil all helped to locate me."

Pana de curand, eram convins ca maxima aventura ce poate fi traita in muntii nostri poate consta intr-un hiking de 4-5 zile pe durata caruia sa nu intalnesti picior de om, intr-o tura alpina de iarna care sa iti ofere o farama de adrenalina si satisfactia unor trasee inedite sau alte experiente montane de aceasta factura.

Conceptia asta mi s-a schimbat insa deunazi, cand, cautand pe Google ceva detalii privind Carpathian Adventure (un echo challenge made in .ro), am dat cu totul intamplator peste un blog cu acelasi nume.

Pe scurt, ca sa nu va rapesc din suspansul istorioarei, este vorba de aventura unui fotograf freelancer britanic, Tim Hunt, venit intr-o toamna tarzie de 2003 pentru a imortaliza wildlife-ul din Muntii Retezat, in vederea realizarii unui album foto. Pataniile acestuia incep cand el si amicul ce-l insotea sunt surprinsi in zona inalta a masivului - undeva in preajma varfului Peleaga, la peste 2000m - de venirea iernii. In timpul unei coborari complicate si in miezul unei furtuni de zapada, eroul nostru se rataceste. Urmeaza pentru el 11 zile de singuratate in conditii extreme, sub amenintarea permanenta a avalanselor si a animalelor salbatice, lipsit de la un anumit moment incolo de hrana si combustibil pentru primus. Singura speranta vine de la telefonul mobil cu ajutorul caruia isi alerteaza familia din Marea Britanie si incearca sa se faca inteles de salvamontistii din Hateg.

Jurnalul, minunat scris, contine pasaje antologice. In miezul unei nopti petrecuta intr-o pestera, Tim este martorul unei lupte intre un urs si o haita de lupi ce se petrece la cativa metri in fata sa:
"A much larger shadow came into the faint light of the cave entrance, a bear. The wolves were stock still as the bear moved into the cave, then suddenly one wolf leapt onto the bear with a snarl and they began to fight, the wolf holding on to the bear's coat and the bear twisting, trying to bite the wolf or hit with a claw."...."Then I must have fallen back asleep myself, and I woke up to bright morning light coming through the cave mouth. Large black shapes silhouetted in the entrance resolved into rocks and boulders. There was no bear, no wolf. A dark stain on the floor of the cave. Blood splashed on rocks. I was so hungry I licked the cold blood from the stones. Today I will try and build a fire in the clearing and search for some food in the forest. Too weak to hunt. I hope help comes soon."

Nu putem sa nu remarcam ca in ciuda echipamentului impresionant enumerat mai jos, Mr Hunt (unme predestinat?) au fost luati prin surprindere in mod brutal de zapada din noiembrie... sa nu-si fi facut temele relativ la vremea din Ro? Norocul nostru, al cititorilor :) Urmeaza 7 zile ca-n filme, a caror agonie fac tot deliciul jurnalului, de-a dreptul fabulos, culminand cu punctul in care frica si lipsa hranei ii produc eroului nostru vedenii.
"I lie in my sleeping bag, staring out from the little cave entrance into the woods. At least I am warm. I drift in and out of sleep. As the sun rose this morning the mist seemed to be luminous, lit from within, and for a moment the wisps coalesced into a bright point in the clearing. I saw a hand reaching out for me. Perhaps I saw a vague face, smiling. Then it was gone, dissipated in the swirling forms. This is not a bad place to be".

Pana la urma, salvamontistii si colegul de expeditie, ajuns intre timp la civilizatie, reusesc sa-i dea de urma si intamplarii ii e harazit un happy-end hollywoodian. Un Touching the Void la scara redusa, povestit si fotografiat admirabil.

PS Pentru cei interesati de fotografia wildlife, foarte utila este lista cu aparatura tehnica indispensabila reusitei unei expeditii de acest gen.
"We are carrying the following equipment: Canon EOS 1D and Nikon D1 for wildlife photography with Tokina 17mm Pro, 80-200 f2.8 Pro and 28-80 f2.8 Pro lenses, Hasselblad X-pan and Fuji GSW690II for landscapes. A Motorola 9505 satellite phone operating on Iridium, a Uni-Pac 10 solar cell charger, and an experimental motion-based charger from Dr. Ian Hughes of the University of Sheffield which should translate our walking motion into useable electricity. I'm using a Dell Inspiron 5100 to write this Blog (my beloved Apple Powerbook is not supported for data transfer by the Motorola phone). Oh yes, and a GM-101 12 channel SiRF II GPS receiver from Holux Ltd. to help with navigation."

Carpathian adventure

Autor: Doru Staiculescu
Autor: Doru Staiculescu
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Cu scuzele de rigoare, e momentan în hibernare; posibil să revenim într-o formă nouă. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [Fb / Ig]